
Promote Staff and Students

Promote and protect moral capital, ethical standards and character building of UNIMA students, staff and the nation

Promote Leadership

Promote ethical leadership, ethical governance and systems.


Institutionalise and mainstream professionalism, moral capital, ethical standards and mind building at all levels from primary schools up to university education


Conduct training, research in leadership, ethics, governance and systems


Conduct Ethics KAP surveys, moral audits and an annual moral capital indices


Monitor and evaluate the national integrity interventions e.g., anti-corruptions strategy.


Provide consultancy to inform value and evidence-based policy implementation and decision-making


Goal 1

National sustainable moral capital, Umunthuology, professionalism and integrity and hard work

Goal 2

Evidence and value-based decision-making and practice. Without valuing evidence, evidence cannot become the basis for policy and decision-making

Goal 3

Reduced moral capital loss containment costs and cost-effective conduct for doing business in Malawi

Goal 4

Decreased moral hazards for insurance companies

Goal 5

Reduce corruption and corrupt practices

Goal 6

Protect and preserve Malawi’s cultural heritage of Umunthu through research.

Goal 7

Sustainable professionalism through the promotion and provision of a holistic education which entails integration of knowledge and skills with right attitude

Goal 8

Effective and cohesive platform for a network of practitioners and advocacy players in Malawi

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